How Moira Affects the Meta of Other Healers
A new hero has arrived! We all know that another healer was needed in the game and Blizzard delivered. I must admit, this was not the type of hero i was expecting, but the more gameplay I watch, the more interested I am in playing her. When I first saw her released at BlizzCon, my initial thoughts were that they took character mechanics from a bunch of existing heroes. Her primary heal reminded me of Mei's primary fire, her attack mechanism reminded me of Symmetra's beam, he relocation ability had me thinking about Reaper and her orbs brought up thoughts of Zenyatta and Orisa's mini graviton ability. However, the more I look into Moira's abilities and her overall skill set, the more I think her skill set is unique and very different from any other hero's in the game. I think she is going to be a fairly difficult hero to master, but I think she is going to hold viability right away, unlike Orisa. Anytime a new hero gets released, this question is raised: How wil...