Welcome - My Overwatch Career

Hello all!

I have been playing Overwatch for almost one year, ordering the game last November. I can honestly say, it is one of the most exciting and competitive first-person shooters I have played to date. I recall first seeing an ad for it and thinking to myself "Not for me." I have never been a fan of more animated, bubbly looking games and have found myself attracted to more realistic first-person shooters, such as the call of duty series. As most die-hard COD fans know, the series has become stale over the last few years, trending too far into the future. It has gotten away from it's roots, boots on the ground combat. I know what you are thinking so I will just say it, yes, i can't wait for COD: WWII! However, even as my excitement for the new Call of Duty game grows, I can't stop playing Overwatch. The constant game tweaks, new content and an openness that Jeff Kaplan and his team have with the community continues to make the game exciting and enjoyable to play. Now, there are certainly faults that I will discuss in later posts, but my overall thoughts of the game leave me impressed.

A little more about my Overwatch competitive career: I have been playing competitive since Season 3. Most seasons I sit between platinum and diamond and have "mained" a variety of heroes throughout seasons three to six. I mainly play tank and support characters, but have indulged in some defensive heroes this season. Prior to Roadhog's big hook changes, he was my primary hero of choice and i have picked him up again after the most recent re-work. As for the remaining tanks, I can play all of them well, with exception to Orisa. When it comes to support characters, I have significant play time in Anna, Mercy, Zenyatta and Symmetry. I don't play a ton of Lucio, but I certainly will if the situation calls for it. As for defensive characters, I have played a lot of Junkrat this season after his series of buffs. Boy, is he fun to play, and I have a lot of success with him. I have also picked up Torbjorn on certain maps when on the defensive. He can be an extremely underestimated character at platinum and diamond levels, given the map fits him and his turret well. What about offensive characters? Well... I'll play Soldier: 76 and McCree, but I'm not going to carry with them. My best bet it to stick to a category other than offensive heroes.

Lastly, what is this blog going to be about? Well, I'd like to share my experiences with the game and game knowledge to players that are not in Master, Grandmaster and Top 500. Most of the content I follow on YouTube and Twitch are individuals in the higher tiers of play. They do try and provide knowledge for players in lower tiers, but I can provide some additional help from personal experience. I hope you all enjoy the content I provide and let me know if there is something you would like covered!


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